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Giga Session Hair Transplant in Delhi

Giga Session Hair Transplant is an innovative hair transplantation technique that combines traditional follicular unit transplantation and advanced follicular unit extraction methods to harvest hair follicles from the donor areas. It is the preferred hair transplant technique when there is a requirement of more than 5000 hair grafts.

If you are suffering from truly extensive hair loss or severe baldness and have a limited donor area for a hair transplant? Giga Session Hair Transplant in Delhi can be your ideal hair restoration option! You can choose to get your bald areas covered with natural hair in minimal time using high-quality, cost-effective hair transplant at DMC Trichology. Book your appointment. 

Benefits of Giga Session Hair Transplant

The advantages offered by Giga Session Hair Transplant are:

  • The procedure gets over in 2 sittings; best for severe hair loss sufferers with busy schedules and in need of a high-density hair transplant 
  • Provides significant improvement in natural hair density; a fuller head appearance boosting the patient’s self-esteem and confidence
  • More than 5000 hair grafts can be harvested in less time by exploiting different donor sites
  • A cost-effective hair transplant due to few visits to the surgeon
  • Reduced chances of getting multiple hair transplants in the future
  • No donor site depletion.
How is Giga Session Hair Transplant done at DMC Trichology?

Giga Session Hair Transplant in Delhi involves two procedures:

The Follicular Unit Transplantation/ Strip Surgery

A strip-bearing hair-loss-resistant hair is taken from the back of the scalp by making a linear incision. It is further dissected under a microscope to isolate the hair follicles for transplant. Each of the harvested hair grafts with tissue is stored and maintained until the required number of hair grafts are extracted and the implantation site is ready to receive the transplants.

The Follicular Unit Extraction

The surgeon utilizes a micro punch tool of punch-hole diameter 0.8 or less to create multiple micro holes in the donor site and directly extract individual hair follicles. This is done until sufficient hair grafts are obtained, as per the patient's needs.

Once the hair grafts are collected, the surgeon implants them one by one in recipient areas with pre-made incisions or using a special implanter tool.

Before and After Giga Session Hair Transplant

Pre-transplant precautions

To prepare well for a Giga session hair transplant, the patient should:

  • On the day of the surgery, come with clean/product-free hair and scalp in comfortable clothing
  • Avoid intake of blood thinners, greasy/fatty foods, and smoking
  • Avoid taking stress and get well-rested sleep at night.

Aftercare instructions

To facilitate proper healing of operated areas and smooth, quick recovery, the patient should:

  • Avoid hair coloring, dying, and treating scalp and hair with harsh products and treatments
  • Avoid exposure of the head to direct sunlight and heated environments
  • Do not rub, scratch, or pick the surgical wounds
  • Avoid using harsh skin and hair products
  • Gently wash hair and naturally dry it
  • Sleep in a half-lying position
  • Keep scalp skin well hydrated
  • Take as much rest as possible. 

What makes Giga Session Hair Transplant in Delhi possible?

Giga session hair transplant is not meant for every hair loss sufferer. Certain factors decide the success of giga session hair transplants for alopecia patients. These include:

  • The implanter’s capability of implanting more than 400 hair grafts every hour and minimizing the time for which hair grafts are kept out of the body.
  • The skills and abilities of the surgeon and his team to safely and effectively execute giga session hair transplant
  • The hair extractor tool’s dissector capability of harvesting more than 300 hair follicles per hour
  • Availability of sufficient, good supply of hair grafts for patients
  • The health status of the patient and the expectations from the surgery outcome
  • The patient’s commitment to a good hair care routine and healthy lifestyle

Why choose DMC Trichology for Giga Session Hair Transplant?

We are the pioneers of Giga Session Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi.

  • We have top-notch surgeons and hardworking, efficient staff who are widely recognized as practitioners and assistants of giga session hair transplant.
  • We have avant-garde operating rooms equipped with advanced techniques and technologies that allow quick and safe extraction and implantation of hair follicles.
  • We have the provision and follow the proper protocol for the storage of harvested hair follicles.
  • We have transformed many patients' lives with affordable giga-session hair transplants.

How is Giga Session Hair Transplant different from Mega Session Hair Transplant?

Giga session in Delhi allows more than 5100 hair follicles harvesting using both FUT and FUE techniques. On the other hand, with mega session hair transplant, a minimum of 4400 hair grafts are attainable with the use of only the FUE technique to harvest hair follicles from both scalp and body sites like chest, arms, legs, and beard.

FAQs About Giga Session Hair Transplant

How much time does a Giga session hair transplant take?

A giga session hair transplant takes around 8-12 hours.

Can it be performed in a single sitting?

A single sitting is usually not enough. Extraction of hair grafts can be over in a single session but implantation would need another session. If a complete hair transplant is tried to be performed in a single sitting, the making of incisions and implantation of grafts would be poor. The results would be inept and look unnatural.

Does it hurt?

Giga Session Hair Transplant is a comfortable procedure as it is carried out by the hair transplant surgeon after numbing the donor and recipient areas with local anesthesia. Any post-procedural discomfort is short-lived and can be relieved with painkillers.

What are the side effects and risks involved?

When a Giga session hair transplant is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon on a suitable candidate, the risks are minimal. Potential side effects and risks include swelling, pain and discomfort, scarring, bleeding, infection, nausea, vomiting, and folliculitis.

How many hair grafts can be obtained in a single giga-session hair transplant?

The number of harvested hair grafts in a single sitting depends on the patient’s existing and required hair density, the size of the area to be covered with hair, and the laxity of the skin of the bald area.

How much does Giga Session hair transplant cost in Delhi?

The cost Giga Session hair transplant is variable and depends on various factors including:

  • The surgical technique
  • The number of grafts used
  • The number of treatment sessions
  • The chosen clinic location and reputation
  • The expertise and experience of the surgeon
  • The anesthesiologist fees
  • The follow-up visits.

To get an accurate, affordable quote for your Giga Session Hair Transplant in Delhi, we invite you for a consultation with an expert at our clinic.

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Clinic Timings ( By Appointments Only)

Monday to Saturday : 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sunday : 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM