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Premature Greying Hair Treatment in Delhi

As we grow older, there comes a point in our lives, when our hair starts turning grey or white at different rates. Hair greying is natural and inescapable but when it is noticed for real at a young age, it becomes a daunting, horrible concern, leading to frustration and self-consciousness.

For the best-suited, most effective, and affordable premature greying treatment in Delhi, set on your treatment journey along with our trichologists at DMC Trichology. The clinic is located in Vasant Vihar (South Delhi) & Rajouri Garden (West Delhi).  Book your appointment.

What is premature greying of hair?

Premature greying refers to the progressive, naturally irreversible change in hair color. It features the appearance of salt-and-pepper hair, the silvery strands before the expected age, typically before the age of 20-30. It is one of the concerns identified and addressed by a cosmetic dermatologist or a trichologist.

What does premature greying look like?

The signs of premature greying include:

  • Hair appearing whitened, lighter, or grey, initially at the temples and then progressing to other areas
  • Patchy distribution of grey hair across the scalp
  • Grey hair is thinner than pigmented hair
  • Wiry and coarser grey hair.

What makes hair prematurely grey?

The natural hair color of a person is determined by the amount and type of melanin pigment present at the hair shaft. Melanin is a colored pigment produced by specialized cells called melanocytes, seated at the base of the hair follicle.

It comes in two forms: Eumelanin and Pheomelanin. Eumelanin is a darker pigment than the reddish pheomelanin pigment. When melanocytes produce more eumelanin, the natural hair is brown or black, and when pheomelanin, the natural hair is ginger or strawberry blond.

With aging, fewer melanocytes are available and so there is less melanin production. When the melanin gets replaced with air bubbles, the hair turns grey. You can get more details on the cause by consulting the Best Doctors for Greying Hair Treatment in Delhi at DMC Trichology.

Who is likely to experience premature greying?

People usually affected by premature greying include:

  • Poorly nourished people (having a diet low in essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B12, copper, iron, and zinc)
  • Patients suffering from illnesses like anemia, thyroid disorder, vitiligo, genetic diseases like Chediak Higashi Syndrome, Waardenburg Syndrome, Albinism, and Griscelli Syndrome; or autoimmune diseases
  • People who have poor haircare routines and frequently or excessively heat style their hair
  • People who expose their scalp hair to harsh chemicals, UV radiation, environmental pollutants, or toxins
  • Physically and mentally stressed individuals or those experiencing hormonal fluctuations
  • Those with certain genetic predispositions of premature greying
  • Smokers.

How to get premature greying treated at DMC Trichology?

For a holistic and best-customized Premature Greying of Hair Treatment in Delhi, a visit to a trichologist at a skin and hair clinic is a must. At DMC Trichology, our hair doctor first thoroughly analyses the patient’s scalp condition, reviews the patient’s medical history (both personal and family), knows about the patient’s lifestyle and daily routine, and then guides the patient on the course of medical treatment. A lifestyle change is a must.

Premature greying hair treatments delivered by us aim at controlling, sustaining, and reversing the natural greying of hair, wherever possible. Patience is a must as the results of the treatments show up gradually.

Our recommended grey hair treatment in Delhi options include:

  1. Medications- Mino-xidil solution can help treat grey hair when applied daily for several weeks
  2. Hair products- Some topicals like shampoos and conditioners can help turn grey hair back to natural
  3. Hair transplantation- If the scalp has large areas covered with prematurely greyed hair, we suggest replacing the hair follicle with healthy ones having ideal melanin content. We have highly experienced surgeons who are experts in FUT, FUE, and Golden Touch hair transplants. 

How to delay or avoid premature greying?

Prevention or delaying of premature greying is not possible if it’s genetically induced. But, for other causes, some preventive measures include:

  • Quitting smoking, if an active chain smoker
  • Having a diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants
  • Protecting the scalp against UV radiation from sun, pollution, chemicals, and toxins
  • Consuming an adequate quantity of water daily and keeping scalp skin and hair strands well-hydrated.

How should I take care of my greying hair at an early age?

You should be following a proper hair care routine, which should include:

  • Washing hair with mild, sulfate-free shampoo;
  • Applying an intense-repair hair conditioner to the hair strands;
  • Rinsing hair with cold water and ensuring residues of shampoo and conditioner are removed;
  • Doing gentle scalp massage with fingertips and scalp massager to encourage blood circulation; and
  • Allowing hair to naturally dry and avoiding the use of chemical-based products or heated tools.

FAQs on Grey Hair Treatment

Can premature greying be reversed or cured?

When melanocytes just above the hair papilla stop producing enough melanin, the hair cannot restore its natural color, it becomes permanently grey. Grey hair is not curable and not reversible if it's genetically induced. There are ways to temporarily reverse grey hair and arrest the progression till the typical physiological age of greying.

Does premature greying only affect the scalp hair?

Premature greying mostly is found on the scalp but the condition can even affect hair on the face or other body sites.

Does premature greying affect hair texture?

Premature greying usually doesn’t affect hair texture but the grey hair may feel coarser and wiry.

Are there any home remedies to reverse premature greying?

Some home remedies that can help slow down hair greying without causing any harm include curry leaves, Indian gooseberry, bhringaraj, black tea, wheatgrass juice, and ghee. But they cannot reverse premature greying.

Can I pluck my grey hair?

It's not advisable, as grey hair will come back and there will even be pain, discomfort, and risk of folliculitis.

What is the typical age to get grey hair?

The age when hair greying happens is variable with race. Typically, white people's hair goes grey in their mid-30s; Asians in their late 30’s; and Black people start having grey hair in their mid-40s.

Are you looking for a solution for your grey hair? Then get in touch with white or grey hair specialist doctor in Delhi at DMC Trichology to get effective and best treatment to reverse grey hair and get back black hair.

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Clinic Timings ( By Appointments Only)

Monday to Saturday : 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Sunday : 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM